Monday, December 26, 2011

Republican reason to be

Day after day I read headlines and articles all saying the same thing.  Republicans in Congress to the American people:

"Go screw yourselves.  We will make sure you have no health care that you can afford, no money for public schools, no government programs to keep you safe from corporate polluters, not enough police to keep you safe, not enough firefighters to save your homes, not enough teachers to more that adequately teach the overload of kids in a class, no money to fix the nation's infrastructure, no nothing for anyone but the rich.  And we want to decimate the EPA, the FDA, the FAA, all the other alphabet departments, the Dept. of Education, Social Security, Medicare, and every single thing the government does to help ordinary working class citizens. And we want to regulate what women can do with their bodies, decide who can marry, legislate chemicals in your food, shove Christianity down everyone's throat and restrict your rights to free speech, the right of assembly and all the rights guaranteed by the Constitution which we'll throw out and replace with our right wing bill of you nothing.  And we're going to blame it all on Obama." 

"Cuz we got nothing to offer."

Now, have I left anything out?  Did I get it all right?  Yeah, I thought so.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What is Romney Hiding?

Mitt Romney spent public funds to buy computers to replace the ones he used while governor of Massachusetts  One hundred thousand dollars is an awful lot of  money to spend to keep things he did while governor secret.  Why should anyone, from either party, hide what appears to be or should be public documents and records?  There are those who say Dems did the same thing:  so, are you good with the fact that politicians can hide or destroy documents pertaining to their time in office that, obviously, would cast aspersions on them?  Every office-holder has the obligation to be honest about their dealings and performance, including the dirty stuff.  So, yes, Dems did it, too.  I'm not condoning it.  But Romney is running for POTUS and everything he does or has done should be scrutinized under a microscope and torn apart if necessary much like what was done and is still being done to President Obama.

Apparently, we never learned anything from the Nixon years and the infamous "erased 18 minutes."   Trying to cover up and/or obliterate the unsavory, possibly illegal, underhanded, deceitful and downright nasty shenanigans always ends up finding the light of day, somehow, sometime, somewhere.

Romney, what you think is gone, probably isn't and it will surface just at the time you pray it won't.  So, sweat it out.  It will be back to bite you in the ass.