Friday, November 21, 2014

It doesn't affect me much so why do I care?

My children are grown so I have none in school.

I'm past childbearing age.  No worries there.

My husband and I are both professionals.  We each have/had great jobs throughout our working lives.

We've always had a nice home to live in, enough food and clothing.

We've always had what passes for health insurance in this country (I have other words for this) so, thank goodness we've enjoyed good health for the most part.

I've never had a personal need to go to a women's shelter, a food kitchen or a charity for help.

With the exception of one incident decades ago, I've never been the object of religious hate.

I've never been the object of hate because of the color of my skin or my sexual orientation.

I've never been denied to right to vote.

I'm able to live my life with never having to worry about the myriad of hateful things that millions of people all over the world are subjected to.... and especially the millions who reside in the United States, that bastion of democracy that is supposed to be the land of the free and home of the brave where freedom and equality are supposed to apply to every citizen.

So, the Ferguson, Missouri horror; the denial of the right to vote for so many that just occurred; the laws passed regulating women's health issues by men who shouldn't be sticking their noses in where they don't belong; the gerrymandering; the decimating of social services; the defunding of all the things that help the poor, the disabled, women, veterans, education, and children; the privatization of prisons and schools; the dumbing down of education in America and replacing facts with religious fiction; and the drive to make this country a right-wing Christian nation should really have no affect on me but yet, IT DOES!

It does because I have a heart, a brain and I understand what a democracy is supposed to be.  What we have now is an oligarchy, a form of government with power vested in a few, not a government of, by and for the people. The Republican/Tea Party faction in this country doesn't want a government to benefit the populace.  They want control of our lives, the country's assets and a population of uninformed puppets doing their bidding. Our Congress is populated by a plethora of absolutely the most stupid and crass individuals, filled with hate for those unlike them

How can I stand by and watch this country sink into a quagmire of never-ending greed, hostility, intense hatred, racism, bigotry, misogyny, corporate greed and disregard of civil rights?  I can't.  I'm choking on my rage. So I write to my Washington Congressional representatives and senators, to my local politicians; I sign petitions and add my own comments; I email to these same people; I make my opinions and positions known; I support organizations who believe in equality and civil rights for everyone; and I BLOG because I have to have a place to vent my frustration with what passes for a society in this country.  It's not civilized.  It's simply crazy.

If this country doesn't change into a humane, caring country that welcomes diversity and offers equality and civil rights to all and offers ways everyone can live without fear (of so many things and people), this country will go down in flames and we'll have the vicious Republicans and Tea Party to thank for the demise of the United States.  They will cause the death of this country. And no one wants to see the younger generation put up with that.

So, yes I care and I do what I can do.  And anyone who reads this should be doing something, anything to combat the viciousness and stupidity so prevalent in this country now.  Perhaps it will take another couple of decades when these nuts will have died off for progress to be made.  But rage against the Republican machine needs to begin now before there is nothing to save and nothing to care about.

Monday, November 3, 2014

So, what to do after the election...

If my "prayers," pleas, entreaties, begging, beseeching, imploring, requesting, demands, and appeals don't work and somehow  the *********** GOP/TP gets the upper hand (by stealing the election), I and most of the liberals I know (and I know A LOT)  will sit back (only for a while) and watch the dismantling of our democracy.

And when that happens, we will watch the other GOP/TP members (read the stupid people of the GOP/TP who are not in the 1%) gasp when their roads and bridges fall completely apart; their water is so contaminated they cannot drink it (starting already); they lose the health insurance they just got through the ACA and again have to come up with money to pay for pre-existing conditions on their own; they can't find jobs because they're all overseas; their schools teach nothing that will enable them to get to college because they don't teach anything of substance (just religious crap); there is no money to provide educational materials in the classroom; there is no help when a natural disaster hits; there will be no workers' compensation when they get hurt on the job because they can't afford a lawyer to fight for them and the company they worked for will screw them; their children will be even more at risk of being shot and killed because of the NRA; veterans, the homeless, the poor, seniors, Latinos and Blacks will continue getting even more screwed .............  Ah, you get the idea.

Then we'll watch them begin to complain that they're not getting the services they expect; their social security has gone down the drain because it's been privatized; their Constitutional rights have been eroded and they realize this country has become not only an oligarchy but in many areas, a police state and they have become the lowly peons while the GOP 1% holds all the wealth and the power.

If this happens, there will be a revolution, a rebellion, an uprising, an insurgency and perhaps a coup d'état because too many of us are tired of the lies, the stupidity, the craziness, the unbelievable hatred and greed that is the hallmark of the GOP. And if the light bulb finally lights up the "brains" of those GOP nuts who voted against their own interests, maybe their anger will help bring down the rich, haughty shmucks who think their money should be able to buy them a government.

I would look forward to the demise of the GOP/TP for they are the biggest scourge of humanity in this country.

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